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Recently funded investment offers

Housing Disrepair Claims (Case ID: 5617)

Housing Disrepair Claim


Limited partnership funding of £100,000 to £430,000 required to fund disbursements on a portfolio of 42-181 Housing Disrepair (HDR) claims litigated by a law firm with a dedicated team specialising in HDR claims. AxiaFunder has previously raised £2,980,000 for this law firm via Offer ID 4237, Offer ID 5062, Offer ID 5244, Offer ID 5295, Offer ID 5400, Offer ID 5434, Offer ID 5475 and Offer ID 5598. The majority of the capital raised in the most recent offer (ID 5598) is expected to be deployed by the time this Offer closes. We expect 75% of the HDR claims will be successful (with less than 5% going to trial). Any unsuccessful claims are required to be replaced by the law firm at no cost to the Partnership. The Defendants are housing associations and local councils. ATE insurance cover will be obtained prior to issuance on each claim. In the unlikely event the law firm is unable to litigate the cases, the claims could be assigned to another law firm. This Investment Offer has an attractive risk reward profile, in our view, with an expected return of c 19-21% per annum from a diversified portfolio of claims, after adjusting for the credit risk of the law firm becoming insolvent. We expect that investors’ principal and investment gains will be gradually paid to their AxiaFunder wallets within 9 and 18 months from when the Offer closes.

Amount Raised: £430,000

Date Funded: 22/11/2024

121 investors


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