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Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high - risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more

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Track Record

Case Statistics

Case Studies

Last updated on 13th March 2024.

This page needs to be updated to reflect one recent loss and one recent win. 

We also need to update data on housing disrepair portfolio returns.


To date, AxiaFunder raised £10,293,440 for a range of commercial and portfolio investments.  

Figure 1:
Cumulative capital raised via AxiaFunder platform

Individual Commercial Cases

17 individual commercial cases have been fully funded via our platform, of which nine have successfully resolved and one has resolved negatively with each corresponding offer* generating returns for investors of between 17% and 175% return** over periods of time ranging between 7-44 months. Meanwhile, the other 7 cases remain ongoing. Total amount of capital raised for commercial cases is £3,213,440*** with an average IRR**** on the resolved cases equivalent to 39%. 

case statistics

Portfolio Cases

In addition, AxiaFunder has been funding UK Housing Disrepair (HDR) Litigation Claims since May 2022 - raising £7.1m to date across 22 separate limited partnership Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), funding 2554 claims. 

Figure 3: Cumulative Portfolio Funding by Law Firm

To view current investment opportunities (if any), visit our investments page.

 Past performance is not a guarantee of future results and projected returns are not guaranteed to be realised. You should not invest unless you are willing to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment, and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 minutes to learn more.

* 3 cases were funded with one SPV via Offer ID 2510; 3 cases were funded with one SPV via Offer ID 3536; 4 cases were funded in stages using separate SPVs.
** Net investor return accrued to date. For resolved cases this is the actual net gain after fees received by investors. For ongoing cases, this is the net return investors would get after all fees if there was an immediate case win.
*** Total primary trading volume **** Internal Rate of Return (IRR); Average refers to the arithmetic mean.
***** Win means case resolved with a positive financial return for investors. Lose means case resolved with a negative financial return for investors.

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