Partnership funding of £125,000 to £500,000 required to fund a portfolio of UK diesel emission claims against three large car manufacturers, with a payout on a “first to settle” basis. The proceeds will fund the law firm’s claim acquisition costs and other expenses. For this law firm, AxiaFunder has previously raised £1,460,000 of diesel emission funding via Offer ID 5393, Offer ID 5429 and Offer ID 5459 and £3,515,000 of housing disrepair funding via 10 Offers. The claims against the three defendants form part of Group Litigation Orders. Each group litigation is run by 2 large law firms with support from several client support law firms— one of which is funded by this Offer. There is evidence of NOx emissions breaches exceeding the permitted levels by up to 4x+ by all three defendants, allegedly concealed by defeat devices. Counsel’s advice is positive for these groups of claims. In addition, one defendant has already been fined by the European authority related to its involvement in a cartel with other car manufacturers that restricted competition in reducing diesel emissions. Another car manufacturer has already settled the UK claims based on similar facts for over £190m. The law firms running the claims have strong alignment of incentives. If the first claims settle between 18-24 months, investors will have a Multiple on Capital of up to 2.7x, with further potential increases if the claims take longer to resolve. This Investment Offer has an attractive risk reward profile, in our view, with an expected return of c 38.5% per annum, benefitting from a payout if the claims against any defendant are successful. If the claims are unsuccessful against all three defendants, investors are unlikely to recover any of their investment.